Nick Stein is suing “Bulgaria 24 Television” for 100,000 BGN compensation

The investigative journalist Nick Stein has filed a claim for compensation, for his scandalous dismissal by manager Svetoslava Rudolph, announced on air during his live broadcast, which we wrote about recently. Our media contacted him right away and we expressed our full support. Our media fully supports the principles of freedom of speech, which is the basis of democracy. We respect Nick Stein first and foremost as an honest person, as a good friend of Bulgaria and as a brave investigative journalist who unwaveringly upholds the principles of the search for truth, integrity and responsibility in his work. We would even say that even though he is German, he is a better Bulgarian than many so-called Bulgarians. That’s why he was kind enough to provide us with the claim first, which we’re publishing here.
Nick made a statement for us first, because we immediately responded, to reflect the scandalous behavior of Svetoslava Rudolph, who violated all journalistic and moral rules and standards, in his dismissal on air and cast a shameful stain on Bulgarian journalism that will remain as a disgrace in Bulgarian history forever. Nick Stein said that in the case of his claim for compensation, it is not about money at all, but his goal is to protect the sacred freedom of speech, which he, throughout his conscious life, has standed for. Moreover, as a professional investigative journalist, he applied the highest standards of German journalism in Bulgaria. That is why he feels offended by what happened, and the case he filed is in defense of justice, and upholding truth and morality. His goal is to prove his rightness and teach a lesson to all those who, due to political or other commitments and dependencies, trample the truth and impose censorship.
We, Freedom and Truth Radio&TV as a free media, fully share his views and stand on his side, especially since we know Svetoslava Rudolph and her personal and professional biography very well, but we will write about that in our forecoming article. There’s a lot to say about that.
At the moment, supporters and sympathizers of Nick Stein are self-organizing for a protest in front of the headquarters of Bulgaria 24 Television under the title: “Let’s protect freedom of speech!” on March 21, 2024, Thursday at 6:00 p.m. People from all over Bulgaria are welcome to attend.
Major international media will cover the event with big interest. Nick received support from the Free Speech newspaper and Freedom and Truth Radio&TV. We expect our other associates from friendly media to join the initiative.

We recall the case with our previous publication on the matter. And we call on Bulgarians to attend the protest.
Let’s lead a crusade in defense of freedom of speech!
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